I get it.

You're past the point ofwalking around in the gym, and wandering around aimlessly.

You're just about damn near ready to give up.

I also know you've done the 'healthy grocery haul' and watched 70% of your food go bad, and order in because you just don't get how it all fits together. You've done this what... 6, 7, 8 or more times?

Maybe, you've had a doctor tell you that you need to lose weight and despite the endless diets and low-cal snacks you are just burnt out.

Or, you're constantly bloated, hitting the 2pm crash , and wondering if this is really just how things are going to be?


You had a flexible, realistic, and enjoyable workout you could follow with the tap of a screen.

You knew exactly how to shop, cook, and prep food - no more spinach slowly wilting in the back of the fridge!

You are able to get off some of your medications you feel beholden too, because your body is FUNCTIONING better.

And as a bonus, dining out and impromptu date nights don't fill you with stress over what to choose, or guilt after the fact because you know how to balance it all in.

You sleep better, you're more energized, and you can power through your day without needing that 4th cup of coffee to make it home.

Imagine if you didn't have to accept things as they are, and that you have it within you to change - you just don't have the HOW yet.


A 1:1 high-touch coaching experience where I take your diet history, health, lifestyle, & goals in mind to shape a custom plan to meet your goals. I provide the support, structure, and education you need to Dump Your Diet once and for all and get results that last.


💬Unlimited private support surrounding training, nutrition, and mindset so you aren't going it alone. All those times you googled a question? Now, you can just text me instead!

🏋🏻‍♀️Personalized on-demand workouts for home or gym so you can stop guessing at what to do. Track your workouts so you can see yourself getting stronger each week! These workouts are built around your goals, equipment, schedule, and health needs to be the most effective workouts possible.

📖Monthly Coaching Calls to educate you on how your metabolism & hormones REALLY work. Understand why the 'diet' you went only worked for about 3 months before you gained all the weight back.

🍎Personalized nutrition protocols so you can stop guessing at how to fuel your body and
decrease gut issues, balance your hormones, and be energized during workouts - without restrictive food rules.

🍾Weekly Check-in's for feedback & support, and to we can monitor progress, celebrate wins, and break down barriers throughout your journey!


What my clients are saying

"We made a pivoting plan that worked for my lifestyle, and that’s why I think we were successful."

If I could give myself a gift in the past, it would be this coaching Reviewsexperience with Elena. I started coaching to see if I could reduce my PMS symptoms and feel less controlled by my menstrual cycle.
One of my hesitations I had with coaching was the idea that eating healthy sounded boring. However, I’ve found quick, convenient meals that are delicious and still nourishing for my body. Now, I don’t crave the fast food I used to want.

After a little time of watching my food choices and working out, I started seeing a change. A few months later, my PMS symptoms were basically gone. It turns out, as a woman, I do not have to deal with those things. Additionally, I have two little kids and a business, and wanted to have more energy without depending on caffeine.

We did that with meal timing and understanding what I ate. It was never part of the plan, but from eating nutritiously and working out, my body is also more toned and all of my clothes fit better. I can lift my little kids without feeling like I’m straining my back. I put time and dedication in to get these results, but it never felt like a hassle. Things progressed quickly, but naturally. We added and tweaked things according to how my body reacted to them. We made a pivoting plan that worked for my lifestyle, and that’s why I think we were successful. I would most definitely work with Elena again.

- Jillian

"Huge thank you to Elena for helping me see just a small hint of what I’m capable of!"

Before working with Elena, I was very skeptical about whether I would ever be able to commit to any nutritional goals. After over a year and a half of steadily gaining weight, I lost a lot of confidence and wasn’t sure how I could bounce back. Nothing I tried was sticking and it became very discouraging.

Only a few months after I started working with Elena, I started seeing results and proved to myself that I actually CAN stick to my nutritional goals. She really helped me find something that fits my lifestyle and my needs. Once I started seeing the results I realized it may be hard work but it IS possible. I really needed that push and I am so grateful that Elena helped me recognize that I’m not as stuck as I felt a few months ago!

Best part is, I’m eating MORE than I was before, just paying far more attention to what I eat. I also really appreciate that she was able to work around my extensive list of food allergies - that has always been one of my biggest struggles and she’s made me more confident in my own ability to find work-arounds. Huge thank you to Elena for helping me see just a small hint of what I’m capable of!

- Kayla

"The best part is that I’m not scared of food and I have a lot of energy. I definitely recommend her program to anyone! "

Before starting with Elena I struggled with my gut health , I struggled with not knowing what a meal actually was. I also struggled with really bad heartburn and acid reflux. I decided to finally join her program because I was getting tired of food and they way my body felt. It was to the point we’re I was only eating one meal a day because I felt so gross after I would not want to eat.

The best part about Elena's coaching is that she was always there when I needed her. She was definitely my google. I literally asked her every question in the book. Everything was one on one. I didn’t have to think about a work out plan or even find how many calories I needed in a day. She definitely took a lot of stress off of my plate.After doing this training I now know what a meal is, I no longer have any acid reflux, I eat 4 times a day , and now everything is a habit. I eat a carb, protein and veggies in every meal without evening thinking about it!

The best part is that I’m not scared of food and I have a lot of energy. I definitely recommend her program to anyone! She super sweet and doesn’t put you down when you get off track.

- Selina

I've worked with people wanting weight loss, food freedom, improved energy, and better overall health. With the Dump Your Diet Method, we focus on giving you MORE of what your body needs - not restricting and forcing you to be less.


Hey friend, I'm Elena! A former public teacher turned holistic fitness coach. I coach individuals looking to help their body do what it does best - THRIVE - through a holistic approach to fitness, hormones, and nutrition.

I've had my journey with Endometriosis and Hashimoto's, endless gut issues, and spent years feeling like there HAD to be a better way.

Guess what... there is.

VIP Coaching is a high-touch 1:1 coaching experience where I help busy and stressed out individuals take care of their bodies, but in a way that also support hormones, gut health, and promotes positive body image. All without giving up your favorite foods, social events, and freeing you from guilt around food and exercise.

I know you're sick of your own reasons why you can't do it now, or why it's too hard, or going back to the things that 'worked' [even though you gained the weight back]. It's time for something new.

It's time to Dump Your Diet.™️


Frequently Asked Questions

How long is the program?

VIP Coaching doesn't have an 'end date' in mind because the experience is solely based on YOU.

There is a minimum 6-month commitment, and it is not the quick-fix experience you might find elsewhere. After your initial time commitment coaching is month-to-month with 30-days notice of withdrawal.

Average client time frame is 9-12 months.

I do have a handful of clients who are now in year 2 working with me, and I'm so happy and grateful to be an integral part of how they prioritize caring for their bodies!

I have food allergies. Do you work with those?

Yes! As a holistic fitness coach, I'm well versed in working with individuals who have food allergies, food sensitivities, and specific food preferences. Your nutrition program is structured around your body's needs and your preferences around food so that way you don't feel restricted.

What if I'm pregnant or just had a baby?

I am a pre & post-natal certified coach!

I have successfully and safely coached pregnant and post-partum clients, and enjoy educating and empowering those who are going to and have given birth!

What if I don't have a gym membership?

VIP Coaching with personalized training is PERFECT if you don't have a gym membership. Personalized on-demand workouts are created with your schedule, equipment access, and movement preferences in mind.

I have a diagnosed chronic or autoimmune disease. Can I work with you?

Welcome, warrior!

I have experience working with clients who are diagnosed with:

Diabetes [Type I & II]







Rheumatoid Arthritis

While I am not a medical provider, I can provide structure and support that will consider and aid in your medical treatment. I am also open to speaking with your medical provider and ensuring that any nutrition, movement, or supplement recommendations are within what will be healthy for you and your body.

My personal experience with chronic and autoimmune disease also gives me a unique perspective. I understand what it's like to live in a body that doesn't always do what you want it to do while also aspiring to live a fit lifestyle.

Do you also coach men?

Absolutely! Men also struggle with gut and hormonal issues - and optimizing energy, recovery, and quality of life matters for every individual.

If you're still here,

I know you're intrigued

Apply now and let's get you set up with a call so we can meet 'face to face' and talk about how VIP Coaching can transform your life.

© 2024 Elena Colombe Coaching, LLC